jThrottle - A jQuery Plugin to Throttle Big Loops
Inspired by Oliver Steele's Sequentially Library and this post by Felix Geisendörfer, I created a very simple jQuery plugin.
It provides a drop-in replacement for each(), which performs the loop in iterations and pauses between each iteration. You'd only do this if you are iterating over a largish set and performing non-trivial operations. Basically, if the browser freezes, this is a decent solution as the call to setTimeout() allows the browsers UI thread to get a slice of the action and prevents spinning cursor syndrome.
If you wrote:
$('foo').each(function () { alert($(this).html()); });
Now you write:
$('foo').throttle(function () { alert($(this).html()); });
function () { alert($(this).html()); },
{per: 100, pause: 10});
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